What is CFO3?
CFO3 is a HMPPS (Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service) project, part funded by the European Social Fund, to help offenders move towards mainstream provision and employment.
It achieves this by helping people address the multiple barriers they may face, providing access to comprehensive support mechanisms appropriate to their individual circumstances and needs.
CFO3 offers participants a variety of tailored training interventions, helping them to access employment opportunities within the local labour market.
We are currently working with:
- Intuitive Thinking Skills – delivering behavioural change courses
- Turning Point – Substance Misuse/Mental Health Team
Access 2 Advice – finance and debt support courses and specialist support - Changes – A range of training opportunities such as Peer Mentoring, Positive Mental Health, and Employability
- RIFT – Long term support becoming self employed
- ITS – A range of training opportunities inc Skills to support changes in behaviour, Addictive desire recognition, Preparing for learning employment and Career progression
- Genus - Delivering family interventions courses and specialist support, including those with adverse childhood experiences and conflict management and resolution
- Employer Engagement
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Eligibility criteria
• Aged 18 years old or over; and
• Sentenced prisoners with up to three years to serve or on remand (women only); or
• Offenders completing a post-custodial license/supervision period or serving a community order.
Training opportunities

RMF Construction training
Find out about our great construction training offer.
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Straight Six Cafe
Gain a portfolio of formal qualifications and work experience, along with the confidence and self-belief which are so vital to take into further employment.
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