
Unlock is an independent aware-winning national charity that provides a voice and support for people with convictions who are facing stigma and obstacles because of their criminal record. 

We run a number of websites, including an information hub, which is the country's most comprehensive source of online information on a wide range of issues that criminal convictions can affect, including disclosing to employers, criminal record checks, buying insurance, housing and travel abroad.

We have a disclosure calculator which makes it simple to calculate when convictions become 'spent' and no longer need to be disclosed. We also run an online peer-to-peer forum and an online magazine, theRecord.

Our confidential peer helpline responds to queries from people with convictions throughout England and Wales. Visit hub.unlock.org.uk/helpline for contact details.

Contact us

Telephone:  01634 27350 or 07824 113848

Text or WhatsApp: 07824 113848

Email:  advice@unlock.org.uk